Graphic Novels

Graphic Novels

* Graphic novels are not limited to one genre category, or only a few, they embrace enough subjects to put them into every section of a library or bookstore.

* There is room for very different styles of art in fact, graphic does not narrow down to drawing and illustration, as in graphics since some artists create their comics using photos,3D models, or found objects.

* A great many graphic novels are a great many are definitely not fictional at all but belonging categories of non-fiction-history, biography, reportage, documentary, or educational.

* Comic books were at point meant for children

* Comic artists could express the pain and agony of childhood trauma in their pictographic work

* It was finally only during America's underground movement centered in San Francisco's hippy subculture of the late 1960s and early 1970s that the more uncomfortable complexities of growing up could fully surface.

* this breakthrough required an entirely new format, publishers and distribution: comic books for adults only, with modest print runs, black and white interiors, higher cover prices, and sold via drug paraphernalia shops, sidestepping the comics code authority.

* In 1970s, successive generations of graphic novelists have been exploring the human condition in comics with perceptive insights and intriguing symbolism

* those that tinged their laughter with pathos, realism and cliffhangers were great loyalty builders, hooking readers into coming back day after day to find out what happened next.
  • God of Manga
  • In post-war Japan, a young qualified doctor named Osamu Tezuka (1928-89) chose comics rather than medicine for his profession.
  • Comics at the time were basically for children, so Tezuka took the opportunity to revolutionize them with his exciting stories, strongly influenced by movies and American Animation.
  • His approach inspired many other artists to enrich the field and he came to be revered as Japan's "God of Manga"
Gravett, Paul. Graphic Novels: Everything You Need to Know. New York: Collins Design, 2005. Print.

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