The Smurfs

Is it just me or does the plights of The Smurf remind you of any conquered race thought out the history of time? Their foe is a European male, intent on capturing the "colored" beings in order to destroy them. His plan is to eat them for dinner. Does that not sound like what the Europeans have done to African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic Americans? Devouring the conquered race into their culture, assimilating them in order for the minority races to act and be like the conqueror. Have you noticed that the Smurfs do not have religion? They are portrayed as godless beings, just like the Africans, Native Americans, and Mayans. In order to save themselves the Smurfs must venture out into the unknown in order to thwart Gargamayle. Does this not remind you of slave narratives? The slave had to venture outside of their master's house in order to gain salvation through writing. The slave used the tool of their capturer in order to gain his/her freedom. In the case of Frederick Douglas, Harriet Jacobs, and countless other the pen was mightier than the sword.

The Game of Thrones

After completing the Game of Throne's season one it dawned on me that they did not have any black characters in the show. There were black travelers during every time period one can imagine. Blacks/Africans were not always slaves. The one thing that stuck out to me was that at the end of the show there were dragons. If the show can have dragons they should be able to throw in a minority or two. It is shows like these that perpetuate the marginalization of the minority. For example, through out the show all one sees is naked pale bodies through the show scenes. In order for society to get used to the beauty of all races there should be examples of those races. Showing only one dominant form causes society to believe that is the only right representation of beauty.


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